Coming Soon: Advances in Behavioral Finance & Economics-2023.

The Journal of Behavioral Finance & Economics (JBF&E) is the leading peer-reviewed academic journal publishing theoretical and empirical topics in the fast-growing field of behavioral finance and economics.

Current Issues – Coming Soon

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Submission Method, Submission Fee, and Turnaround Time

Submission Method

To submit, please prepare:

1. A copy of your final manuscript in PDF format where the cover page of your paper contains only the title (for anonymous review),

2. A cover letter containing your affiliation and contact information, and

3. Email both documents to for processing. For Submission Fee and payment please see below.

Submission Fee

There is a Submission Fee of $125.00 for all manuscripts that are submitted to JBF&E. Such fees must be paid at the time of submission via the following secure URL: Papers submitted without such payment will not be considered for publication in the journal.

Turnaround Time

JBF&E has an eight-week turnaround policy. That is, authors would be notified of an accept/reject/revision decision within eight weeks or less from the time of each submission and payment of the due Submission Fee.

Submission Guidelines

A. Format and Style: Manuscripts must be sent as Word files only. All text should be typed double-spaced, using Times New Roman style with font size set at 12. Manuscripts must have a 1-inch margin on all sides. First page of the manuscript should show the title of the paper, authors(s)’ affiliation and contact information, and a one-paragraph (approximately 100 words) abstract of the article that provides a brief overview of the paper. Second page of the manuscript, which will be used for blind review process, should only contain the title of the paper and a one-paragraph (approximately 100 words) abstract of the article that provides a brief overview of the paper.

B. Authors’ Commitment: While their papers are under the review process at JBF&E, authors commit not to send their submitted works to any other publication for review purposes.

C. Equations: Should be numbered consecutively, with the number in parentheses and flush with the right margin. Equations should be clearly explained in the text, and derivations or proofs may be relegated to an appendix. All equations must fall within the same margins that are required for the text; that is, they should have a 1-inch margin on all sides.

D. Tables and figures: Should be placed in the text where appropriate and labeled in numerical order with Roman numeral. Label tables at the top and follow the heading with a description of the table in sufficient detail so that it is capable of standing alone. Label figures in the same manner. All tables and figures must fall within the same margins that are required for the text; that is, they should have a 1-inch margin on all sides.

E. References: References, unnumbered, single-spaced within and double-spaced between, must be typed on a separate page or pages and listed in alphabetical order. Place references list at the end of the manuscript but before tables and figures. Examples of references are provided in below.

There is a Submission Fee of $125.00 for all manuscripts that are submitted to JBF&E.

Such fees must be paid at the time of submission via the following secure URL:

Papers submitted without such payment will not be considered for publication in the journal.

You may contact us by either:

Phone: 818-854-6348


Regular Mail:

7001 Darnoch Way, West Hills,
CA 91307-1834, USA.